Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Birthday Party News and a quick mention of things about friends.

Gerry Kelly, 71+ and liking it!

Well, Folks, it's all history now, but the BIG BLOWOUT BIRTHDAY PARTY was a huge success. It was given by Tom Parker for the old man for his 71st Birthday (August 25th) on Saturday, August 29. Attending were the well known socialite from New Orleans, Miss Simone Thomas and her  man Lanny Thomas; from Little Rock AR, were David Smith and Ricky Martinez; from Friendswood, TX., Jean Gill and Clara Sandel and Clara Sandel; From Katy, TX, Michael Kean, Archie Helzer, Steven Thorson, and Ben Gurupatham; From Houston, Wayne Crumhorn, Cris Vlaanderen, Dale Roseberry, Shirley Kayser, Charles Stehlik, Keith Nesler and Miss Lola Mae Nesler-Kelly, Charles Curtis, Woody Wood, Helene Harvey and friend Jim.

Skip Beasley (L) came in from Gainesville, FL for a visit for the week, but missed the party, because he had to return on Saturday morning, but furnished a lovely birthday bouquet of red roses and birthday balloons for the party.

It was requested in the invitations, that gifts be something funny, that would embarrass the old man, but although some proved a little embarrassing, there were a great number of beautiful gifts, which I shall enjoy for a long time to come. Thanks for all the gifts and fun. I hope all who attended had a good time as I did.

The Happy Birthday Balloons.......


                         And the Red Rose Bouquet...........

                                           David Smith  

A great moment for me was at the beginning of the party. My  good friend, David Smith had told me, he could not make it to the party, because of car problems and called me on Saturday morning to wish me a Happy Birthday. I talked to him about 15 minutes and again and he said he wished they could come, but it was just to hot to travel with A/C and I accepted that.  But, just as the party started, Tom Parker, the host, told me to close my eyes, because he had a surprise for me....and when I opened my eyes, there sat David Smith with friend Ricky Martinez (R) right beside me. They had driven in especially for my birthday. It was a great thrill for me and everyone got a kick out me being totally surprised. Thanks David and Ricky.


Tom Parker, the host, cooked and served fajitas, frozen margaritas, and beer for the party. They were delicious and enjoyed by everyone.

The Birthday boy is now 71 and planning a bigger party for this 142nd Birthday.  I hope you all will be here for it.

Party Pictures:

   (L) Drive It Like You Stole It and I Do!

 Lanny Thomas, Ariist, New Orleans, Art Work received from the artist (upper R)

Gerry enjoying his card and greeting                                      

Gerry in Chair
Michael Kean is standing
Jean Gill and Steve Thorson are seated.

Ben, Archie and Jim enjoying a moment.

Charley and Gerry (above) enjoying a moment after a great meal at

Gerry expounding on clean living! How one gets to be  71 years old for Charley, Betty and all those in earshot at Cafe Adobe. OH, WOW, I didn't know he knew that.


(L)Joan Ann Sullivan, my good friend and travel companion for many years.

Joan Ann Sullivan went home from the hospital on Tuesday after 7 weeks of rest and treatment.  She is coming along fine now and has a good friend Gwen helping her out at home.  She may be moving to Florida in the near future to enjoy her retirement with friends who are already retired and live there.

Charley Lancaster is doing much better after having a procedure done on a kidney and further evaluation were concerning on-going back pain. She is being referred to a Pain-Management Specialist for further treatments. Charley, Betty Walker and Mela had a little after birthday dinner at Cafe Adobe last week and we enjoy the terrific margaritas.

Keith is liking his new job at the Hungry Farmer Bar-BQ store on Airline near our home and we are blessed that it is just 5 minutes from home.  He has been there for several weeks now and you are invited to stop by, when he's working on Friday-Mondays.  He has Tue-Thurs. off for relaxing and taking care of the old man. He is one great guy and the old man is lucky to have him as a great friend and caretaker.

And of course, one has to have a least one picture of Miss Lola Mae!
She wants everyone to know that she is the boss around here.

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