Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just some recent news events related to the "OLD MAN"

Joan Ann Sullivan

Joan Ann Sullivan, my close and dear friend, since the late 70's, has retired from ADP here in Houston and moved to Tampa FL....you know that place where all "dem damn" "yanquis" end up. She was originally from Manhattan, NYC, NY and...so....you know they always migrate to Florida in the Winter. God Speed to her and friends and I hope that her recovery from a recent illness continues and she will find great enjoyment in Tampa. We will miss her here and at the casinos in Louisiana and Mississippi.

We are thankful to Bobby, who came in from Tampa and took care of Joan Ann after here recent hospital stay and to Dennis, who came to help move her to Florida to her new home. May they all have a great and wonderful life in the sunshine state.

Tom Parker
Tom Parker, our tenant here a Lonewillow Plantation for the last year, has moved near his job in Spring-Cypress area and we wish him well in all his future endeavors.

Lanny Thomas and Scooter

Mr. Lanny Thomas, Cyclist and frequent guest here at Lonewillow Plantation, was the victim of a careless driver in the French Quarter, New Orleans, who ran a stop sign and hit him last week. He is at home recovering from a severe ankle wound and hopefully a not so severe break. Of course, we won't be seeing the scooter scooting about for about 10 weeks or more, while he heals. We are so glad he wasn't hurt worst, but we know the pain of not being able to walk......terrible. Good Luck with a speedy recovery....hopefully you be able to join your "scooter gang" again soon, in the mean time, have another glass of white wine.

Annise Parker

Annise Parker,City Comptroller and the openly gay candidate, polled the most votes in yesterday's Mayor election here in Houston. She will oppose Gene Locke, Afro-American and former City Attorney, in the run off election on December 12. If you live in Houston City Limits and vote, please cast your vote for Annise. We hope she is the next Great Mayor of Houston. See more on this at:

FALL WEATHER has finally come!!!!

We hope all are enjoying the fall weather and the cooler temperatures, after such a long hot summer. Time to get ready for Thanksgiving and remember to be thankful this year for NO VIOLENT DEVASTATING HURRICANES.

Lola Mae Nesler-Kelly, Killer Attack Dog

Lola Mae wants everyone to know she is now weighing in at 10 pounds and having doubled her weight, since coming to the plantation, she is now guarding the grounds with an "WATCHFUL EYE," but can be bribed with any kind of treat you may have.

She is a "killer attack" dog, because she will lick you to death, before you know what has happened to you. She is quite a lover and licks everybody. who will rub her tummy when they come by to visit. She misses her friend Mademoiselle Simone of New Orleans and hopes that Mademoiselle Simone will be able to come visit her soon. She also wishes Uncle Lanny a speedy recovery.

That's all for now folks....PEACE!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking to time to keep us informed . Miss Lola is a real American Beauty !!!! Rosie
